We’re not here to diet. We’re here to


Your Life.

01 my approach

Why have countless executives, entrepreneurs, and thought-leaders chosen the “Perfect Storm Transform” fitness program to revolutionize their health?

You're successful in your career, you've built a meaningful professional life, and you find personal fulfillment in many areas. Yet, there's one significant gap: your physical health and fitness aren't up to par with your high-achieving lifestyle.

Let's be real—you're not satisfied. The way you look and feel doesn't align with your professional status and it's frustrating. You're not making progress in this key aspect of life, and it's gnawing at you.

Over the years, you've put your health on the back burner to accomplish your career goals.

Now, you're ready to recapture the fitness level you had in your prime.

You aspire to be more than just physically appealing. You want to feel revitalized, to age gracefully, and to be present and energetic for your family for years to come.

Why settle for less when you can have the best of both worlds? With Paul's program, you can maintain your demanding professional life while achieving the fitness milestones you've set for yourself.

It's the perfect synergy of career and well-being, tailored to the needs of busy professionals like you.


Transformations Per Year


Total weight lost 2023


Success Rate with Daily Check-Ins


Sessions in 2023


Years in the industry

02 about me

I began my journey in the limelight, stepping into the boxing ring as a professional and earning my fight name, 'The Perfect Storm,' on the reality TV show 'The Next Great Champ' with Oscar De La Hoya. But the boxing ring was just the first arena where I showcased my unique combination of speed, power, and perseverance.

Retiring my gloves, I pivoted into personal training and nutrition coaching, founding Empowering Punch Fitness back in 2008. The transition wasn't just about changing careers; it was about

extending my reach to help thousands reclaim their health and vitality. It’s no wonder my clients have affectionately dubbed me the 'Weight Loss Wizard,' as they begin to experience remarkable transformations from day one.

Now, with over a decade of expertise in creating tailor-made fitness and wellness programs, I've been privileged to coach a clientele that includes executives, entrepreneurs, and even celebrities. My approach is holistic yet scientific, encompassing fitness, nutrition, accountability, and education—essentially delivering another 'Perfect Storm,' but this time for optimal health and wellness.

Your 16-Week Ultimate Transformation

How to Transform Your Body and Mind in Just 16 Weeks

03 The Process



Quick Start, Lasting Impact

  • Sustainable Results: We never rush, but our minor adjustments to your fitness and nutrition make major impacts.

  • Immediate Transformation: Whether it's weight loss or muscle toning, you feel the change right out of the gate.

  • Total Makeover: Enjoy improved sleep quality, increased energy, and laser-sharp focus in the first 30 days.

Level Up Your Lifestyle

  • Education and Adaptation: We up the ante on knowledge, activity, and nutrition variety.

  • Smart Indulgence: Learn how to incorporate your favorite foods without sabotaging your progress.

  • Data-Driven Roadmap: Insights from Month 1 inform your custom plan for ongoing success.

Habit Mastery and Visible Results

  • Automatic Good Habits: Your new routines feel natural, turning nutritional needs into wants.

  • Visible Transformation: The physical changes are now obvious, coupled with increased strength and endurance.

  • Body as an Ally: Your body starts craving what fuels it best, making your fitness journey smoother.

Metabolic Tuning

  • Metabolic Optimization: Your body starts doing the heavy lifting, processing calories and burning fat more efficiently.

  • Intuitive Lifestyle: Know when to eat and how to recover without constantly watching the clock.

  • Effortless Maintenance: Enjoy the freedom of not having to be super strict with your diet.


Exclusive Transformative Coaching With Paul


415 lb client lost 200 lbs in one year

“Paul "Perfect Storm" Scianna trains local man, Terence Haynes to lose 200 pounds in one year”


04 Results


"Exceeded My Expectations!"

I own a construction company and have a very demanding schedule. I struggled with the daily grind due to my lack of energy and stamina. I sought help from Paul and in just two months, I lost 30 lbs and feel like a new man! Completely surpassed my expectations and easily fit into my schedule, even on and off the job sites.


"Surprisingly Easy To Follow!"

I run my own private practice and have 4 children. I was looking for a flexible program that would fit into my busy lifestyle and not require hours at the gym away from my family. I heard about Paul from a patient of mine that lost 100 lbs from working with him. I lost 30 lbs in 3 months and it was surprisingly easy to accomplish.


"Exceeded My Expectations!"

My work schedule easily overtook my life and my weight and my health suffered for it. I oversee a regional restaurant chain so I'm constantly on the road and working 24/7. Working with Paul was the only program that ever worked for me. He made what seemed to be an impossible feat, not only possible, but sustainable.



05 performance coaching

Get Guaranteed Results

We Have 100% Success Rate

Given you follow my instructions and guidance, I guarantee you’ll not only reach your fitness milestones but also surpass them, revealing potential you never knew you had.

Unlock Your Hidden Potential

It's More Than Just Weight Loss or Muscle Gain

I spot and nurture your hidden capabilities. This isn't just about losing a few pounds or gaining some muscle; it's about transforming your life in ways you didn't think possible.

Trust Over 20 Years of Expertise

We’ve Helped CEOs, So Why Not You?

With over two decades of elite coaching experience, I bring proven techniques to align your personal health with your professional success, no matter how busy you are.

No Time? No Excuses

Your On-Demand Fitness Consultant

Get personalized, on-demand advice without waiting for your next session. Because your busy life shouldn’t be an obstacle to your health.

Experience Rapid, Real Results

Transform Your Body and Mind Within Months

Tired of mediocre results and generic programs? My clients typically lose 12-15 lbs or cut down 5-6% body fat in just a month.

Only a Few Slots Remaining!

Book Your 1-1 consultation Session With Paul Today!

Free One-On-One Consultation Session

By the end of this consultation session, you will have a clear understanding of the next steps you can take to achieve the physique that you desire and quiet frankly deserve.

Find a time on our calendar and we look forward to helping you!

This Storm Transform Consultation Is Perfect For:

  • Individuals who are looking to shed body fat and maintain a lean physique all year around

  • Individuals looking to level up their physical appearance to align with their professional status

  • Individuals looking to increase their energy and stamina to withstand their demanding work schedule

  • Individuals who want to feel revitalized, to age gracefully, and to be present and energetic for their family

  • Individuals looking for the perfect synergy of career and well-being, tailored to meet the needs of their busy schedules


How Long Will It Take To Get Results?

Paul's methods are designed for speed and sustainability. You can expect to start feeling results in as little as 3 days into the program and most clients report significant physical improvements in the first 30 days.

Does The Program Require A Restrictive Diet?

Far from it! In fact, it’s probably more food than you’re used to eating. Paul's program incorporates indulgences and teaches you how to fit your favorite foods into your normal lifestyle. With his education on strategic timing and the proper pairings of foods, you can still enjoy your social life without sabotaging your progress.

How Much Time Do I Have To Commit?

The program is designed for busy professionals, requiring as little as 2 hours a week for meal prepping and workouts . Depending on your goals, the more time you can dedicate, the faster you'll see results. But the program is tailored to be effective and manageable for those with

demanding schedules.

Does The Program Require Extensive Fitness Experience?

Absolutely not! Paul's program is tailored to each individual, regardless of age or fitness level. Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to take your fitness to the next level, "The Perfect Storm Transform" program can be adapted to meet your needs.

How Much Does It Cost?

The investment in Paul's 16-week "Perfect Storm Transform" 1-1 coaching program starts at $2400/month. The package design varies based on individual needs and goals. To get a customized quote, we encourage you to book a free consultation with us.

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